Ashish Naik
Ashish Naik
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Cited by
Exploiting a natural network effect for scalable, fine-grained clock synchronization
Y Geng, S Liu, Z Yin, A Naik, B Prabhakar, M Rosenblum, A Vahdat
15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2018
Strategy for handling long SSL messages
G Maturana, A Naik
US Patent App. 09/792,964, 2002
Computing solutions uniquely collapses the polynomial hierarchy
LA Hemaspaandra, AV Naik, M Ogihara, AL Selman
SIAM Journal on Computing 25 (4), 697-708, 1996
Non-proxy internet communication
G Maturana, A Naik
US Patent App. 10/086,090, 2003
{SIMON}: A simple and scalable method for sensing, inference and measurement in data center networks
Y Geng, S Liu, Z Yin, A Naik, B Prabhakar, M Rosenblum, A Vahdat
16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2019
P-selective sets and reducing search to decision vs self-reducibility
E Hemaspaandra, AV Naik, M Ogihara, AL Selman
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 53 (2), 194-209, 1996
Inverting onto functions
SA Fenner, L Fortnow, AV Naik, JD Rogers
Information and Computation 186 (1), 90-103, 2003
Nondeterministically selective sets
LA Hemaspaandra, A Hoene, AV Naik, M Ogihara, AL Selman, T Thierauf, ...
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 6 (04), 403-416, 1995
On quasilinear-time complexity theory
AV Naik, KW Regan, D Sivakumar
Theoretical Computer Science 148 (2), 325-349, 1995
On the existence of hard sparse sets under weak reductions
JY Cai, AV Naik, D Sivakumar
STACS 96: 13th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 1996
Scheduling crackdowns on illicit drug markets
AV Naik, A Baveja, R Batta, JP Caulkins
European Journal of Operational Research 88 (2), 231-250, 1996
A hierarchy based on output multiplicity
AV Naik, JD Rogers, JS Royer, AL Selman
Theoretical Computer Science 207 (1), 131-157, 1998
Computing solutions uniquely collapses the polynomial hierarchy
LA Hemaspaandra, AV Naik, M Ogihara, AL Selman
Algorithms and Computation: 5th International Symposium, ISAAC'94 Beijing …, 1994
P-selective sets, and reducing search to decision vs. self-reducibility
AV Naik, M Ogiwara, AL Selman
[1993] Proceedings of the Eigth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory …, 1993
On coherence, random-self-reducibility, and self-correction
J Feigenbaum, L Fortnow, S Laplante, A Naik
Computational Complexity 7 (2), 174-191, 1998
Traffic distribution over multiple paths in a network while maintaining flow affinity
S Mandal, A Singh, A Naik
US Patent 9,716,592, 2017
Selectivity: Reductions, nondeterminism, and function classes
LA Hemaspaandra, A Hoene, AV Naik, M Ogiwara, A Selman, T Thierauf, ...
State University of New York (Buffalo). Department of Computer Science, 1993
Adaptive versus nonadaptive queries to NP and P-selective sets
AV Naik, AL Selman
computational complexity 8 (2), 169-187, 1999
Networking systems with dynamically changing topologies
L Poutievski, A Vahdat, A Naik
US Patent 9,319,264, 2016
Quasilinear time complexity theory
AV Naik, KW Regan, D Sivakumar
STACS 94: 11th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 1994
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Articles 1–20