Shoji Kajita
Shoji Kajita
確認したメール アドレス: media.kyoto-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Evaluation of blind signal separation method using directivity pattern under reverberant conditions
S Kurita, H Saruwatari, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Ontology-based semantic recommendation for context-aware e-learning
Z Yu, Y Nakamura, S Jang, S Kajita, K Mase
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 4th International Conference, UIC …, 2007
Interpolating head related transfer functions in the median plane
T Nishino, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing …, 1999
Construction of speech corpus in moving car environment
N Kawaguchi, S Matsubara, H Iwa, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura, ...
Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000
Reciprocal attentive communication in remote meeting with a humanoid robot
T Morita, K Mase, Y Hirano, S Kajita
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2007
Speech enhancement using nonlinear microphone array based on complementary beamforming
H Saruwatari, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 1999
Content provisioning for ubiquitous learning
Z Yu, Y Nakamura, D Zhang, S Kajita, K Mase
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7 (4), 62-70, 2008
Speech recognition based on space diversity using distributed multi-microphone
Y Shimizu, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Interpolation of the head related transfer function on the horizontal plane
T Nishino
J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn.(J) 55, 91-99, 1999
Video based estimation of pedestrian walking direction for pedestrian protection system
G Zhao, M Takafumi, K Shoji, M Kenji
Journal of Electronics (China) 29, 72-81, 2012
Extracting speech features from human speech like noise
D Kobayashi, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 1996
Compensating of room acoustic transfer functions affected by change of room temperature
M Omura, M Yada, H Saruwatari, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1999
Interpolating HRTF for auditory virtual reality
T Nishino, S Mase, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100 (4_Supplement), 2602-2602, 1996
Robust speech feature extraction using SBCOR analysis
S Kajita, F Itakura
1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 1 …, 1995
Speech enhancement using nonlinear microphone array based on noise adaptive complementary beamforming
H Saruwatari, S Kajita, K Takeda, F Itakura
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2000
Speech analysis and speech recognition using subbandautocorrelation analysis
S Kajita, F Itakura
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 15 (5), 329-338, 1994
A pattern mining method for interpretation of interaction
T Morita, Y Hirano, Y Sumi, S Kajita, K Mase
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2005
Enhancement of a speech signal embedded in noisy environment using two microphones
AK Barros15, H Kawahara, A Cichocki, S Kajita, T Rutkowski, ...
Subband-autocorrelation analysis and its application for speech recognition
S Kajita, F Itakura
Proceedings of ICASSP'94. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1994
Nagoya University
Y Sato
Japan, persönliche Mitteilung, 0
論文 1–20