nubli wahab
nubli wahab
universiti malaysia pahang al-sultan abdullah
確認したメール アドレス: ump.edu.my - ホームページ
The relationship between study anxiety and academic performance among engineering students
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, A Othman, T Herawan, SK Sinnadurai
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 8, 490-497, 2010
A research for identifying study anxiety sources among university students.
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, A Othman, MG Awang
International Education Studies 3 (2), 189-196, 2010
Re-test of State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) among engineering students in Malaysia: reliability and validity tests
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, T Herawan, A Othman, SK Sinnadurai
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 15, 3843-3848, 2011
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) biofeedback: A new training approach for operator’s performance enhancement
AP Sutarto, MNA Wahab, NM Zin
Journal of industrial engineering and management 3 (1), 176-198, 2010
Resonant breathing biofeedback training for stress reduction among manufacturing operators
A Purwandini Sutarto, MN Abdul Wahab, N Mat Zin
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 18 (4), 549-561, 2012
Computational techniques for assessing the reliability and sustainability of electrical power systems: A review
AA Kadhem, NIA Wahab, I Aris, J Jasni, AN Abdalla
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 1175-1186, 2017
The Effect of Recitation Quran on the Human Emotions
EG Nayef, MNA Wahab
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
Study of the relationship between intercultural sensitivity and intercultural communication competence among international postgraduate students: A case study at University …
AQ Sarwari, MN Abdul Wahab
Cogent Social Sciences 3 (1), 1310479, 2017
Religious coping, job insecurity and job stress among Javanese academic staff: A moderated regression analysis
A bin Othman, MNA Wahab
International Journal of Psychological Studies 2 (2), 159, 2010
Exploring mathematics anxiety among engineering students
P Vitasari, T Herawan, MNA Wahab, A Othman, SK Sinnadurai
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 8, 482-489, 2010
Role ambiguity, role conflict, the role of job insecurity as mediator toward job stress among malay academic staff: A SEM analysis
T Safaria, A Othman, MNA Wahab
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3 (3), 229-235, 2011
The use of study anxiety intervention in reducing anxiety to improve academic performance among university students
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, A Othman, MG Awang
International Journal of Psychological Studies 2 (1), 89, 2010
The Role of Leadership Practices on Job Stress among Malay Academic Staff: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis.
T Safaria, A bin Othman, MNA Wahab
International Education Studies 4 (1), 90-100, 2011
Effect of biofeedback training on operator's cognitive performance
AP Sutarto, MNA Wahab, NM Zin
Work 44 (2), 231-243, 2013
Mental and spiritual relaxation by recitation of the holy Quran
N Khan, N bt Ahmad, AH Beg, MAI Fakheraldin, AN Abd Alla, M Nubli
2010 Second International Conference On Computer Research And Development …, 2010
Potentiality of taubah (Islamic repentance) and listening to the Holy Quran recitation on galvanic skin response
UB Salam, MNA Wahab, AB Ibrahim
International Journal of Psychology and Counselling 5 (2), 33-37, 2013
Gender, academic rank, employment status, university type and job stress among university academic staff: A comparison between Malaysia and Indonesia context
T Safaria, A Othman, MNA Wahab
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 1 (18), 250-261, 2012
Assessing of physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety toward academic performance: The application of catastrophe model
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, T Herawan, SK Sinnadurai, A Othman, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 30, 615-619, 2011
Psychophysiological treatment in reduced anxiety with biofeedback training for university students
P Vitasari, MNA Wahab, T Herawan, SK Sinnadurai
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 30, 629-633, 2011
Teacher identity development in professional learning: An overview of theoretical frameworks
H Ahmad, SR Shah, F Latada, MN Wahab
Bulletin of Advanced English Studies 3 (1), 1-11, 2019
論文 1–20