Jonathan H. Tu
On Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Theory and Applications
JH Tu, CW Rowley, DM Luchtenburg, SL Brunton, JN Kutz
Journal of Computational Dynamics 1 (2), 391--421, 2014
Variants of dynamic mode decomposition: boundary condition, Koopman, and Fourier Analyses
KK Chen, JH Tu, CW Rowley
Journal of Nonlinear Science 22 (6), 887--915, 2011
Compressed sensing and dynamic mode decomposition
SL Brunton, JL Proctor, JH Tu, JN Kutz
Journal of Computational Dynamics 2 (2), 2015
Low-frequency dynamics in a shock-induced separated flow
S Priebe, JH Tu, CW Rowley, MP Martín
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 807, 441--477, 2016
Compressive sensing and low-rank libraries for classification of bifurcation regimes in nonlinear dynamical systems
SL Brunton, JH Tu, I Bright, JN Kutz
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2014 13 (4), 1716--1732, 2013
Spectral analysis of fluid flows using sub-Nyquist-rate PIV data
JH Tu, CW Rowley, JN Kutz, JK Shang
Experiments in Fluids 55 (9), 1805, 2014
Integration of non-time-resolved PIV and time-resolved velocity point sensors for dynamic estimation of velocity fields
JH Tu, J Griffin, A Hart, CW Rowley, LN Cattafesta, LS Ukeiley
Experiments in Fluids 54 (2), 1429, 2013
Algorithm 945: modred---A Parallelized Model Reduction Library
BA Belson, JH Tu, CW Rowley
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 40 (4), 30, 2014
An improved algorithm for balanced POD through an analytic treatment of impulse response tails
JH Tu, CW Rowley
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (16), 5317--5333, 2012
Koopman spectral analysis of separated flow over a finite-thickness flat plate with elliptical leading edge
JH Tu, CW Rowley, E Aram, R Mittal
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2011-38, 2011
Control of a Canonical Separated Flow
J Griffin, M Oyarzun, LN Cattafesta III, JH Tu, CW Rowley, R Mittal
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2013-2968, 2013
Edit at your own risk: evaluating the robustness of edited models to distribution shifts
D Brown, C Godfrey, C Nizinski, JH Tu, H Kvinge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00046, 2023
Integration of non-time-resolved PIV and time-resolved velocity point sensors for dynamic estimation of time-resolved velocity fields
JH Tu, CW Rowley, J Griffin, LN Cattafesta III, A Hart, LS Ukeiley
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2012-33, 2012
Understanding the inner workings of language models through representation dissimilarity
D Brown, C Godfrey, N Konz, JH Tu, H Kvinge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14993, 2023
Pulse Formation, Harmonic Mode-Locking, and Stability in Actively Mode-Locked Laser Cavities
JH Tu, JN Kutz
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 45 (3), 282--291, 2009
Machine learning for classification of vortex patterns generated by pitching and plunging plates
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 70th Annual Meeting, 2017
Decoupling translational and rotational effects on the phase synchronization of rotating helices
JH Tu, M Arcak, MM Maharbiz
Physical Review E 91 (2), 023018, 2015
Analysis of Local Flow Dynamics Using Koopman Modes
JH Tu, KK Chen, CW Rowley
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 63th Annual Meeting 55, 2010
Model editing for distribution shifts in uranium oxide morphological analysis
D Brown, C Nizinski, M Shapiro, C Fallon, T Yin, H Kvinge, JH Tu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Attributing learned concepts in neural networks to training data
N Konz, C Godfrey, M Shapiro, JH Tu, H Kvinge, D Brown
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03149, 2023
論文 1–20