Chaochen Wang
Chaochen Wang
Eli Lilly Japan K.K.
確認したメール アドレス: wangcc.me - ホームページ
Global trend in overweight and obesity and its association with cardiovascular disease incidence
H Yatsuya, Y Li, EH Hilawe, A Ota, C Wang, C Chiang, Y Zhang, ...
Circulation Journal 78 (12), 2807-2818, 2014
Esophageal cancer in high-risk areas of China: research progress and challenges
Y Lin, Y Totsuka, B Shan, C Wang, W Wei, Y Qiao, S Kikuchi, M Inoue, ...
Annals of epidemiology 27 (3), 215-221, 2017
Changing trends in the prevalence of H. pylori infection in Japan (1908–2003): a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of 170,752 individuals
C Wang, T Nishiyama, S Kikuchi, M Inoue, N Sawada, S Tsugane, Y Lin
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15491, 2017
Breakfast skipping is positively associated with incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: evidence from the Aichi Workers’ Cohort Study
M Uemura, H Yatsuya, EH Hilawe, Y Li, C Wang, C Chiang, R Otsuka, ...
Journal of epidemiology 25 (5), 351-358, 2015
Milk drinking and mortality: findings from the Japan collaborative cohort study
C Wang, H Yatsuya, K Tamakoshi, H Iso, A Tamakoshi
Journal of epidemiology 25 (1), 66-73, 2015
Smoking and diabetes: is the association mediated by adiponectin, leptin, or C-reactive protein?
EH Hilawe, H Yatsuya, Y Li, M Uemura, C Wang, C Chiang, H Toyoshima, ...
Journal of Epidemiology 25 (2), 99-109, 2015
Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies GP2 gene risk variants for pancreatic cancer
Y Lin, M Nakatochi, Y Hosono, H Ito, Y Kamatani, A Inoko, H Sakamoto, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3175, 2020
Positive association between high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese workers: 6‐year follow‐up
C Wang, H Yatsuya, K Tamakoshi, M Uemura, Y Li, K Wada, K Yamashita, ...
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 29 (5), 398-405, 2013
Perceived stress and colorectal cancer incidence: the Japan collaborative cohort study
N Kikuchi, T Nishiyama, T Sawada, C Wang, Y Lin, Y Watanabe, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 40363, 2017
The Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) for DSM-5: A validation for neurodevelopmental disorders in Japanese …
T Nishiyama, S Sumi, H Watanabe, F Suzuki, Y Kuru, T Shiino, T Kimura, ...
Comprehensive Psychiatry 96, 152148, 2020
Association between parental history of diabetes and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus differs according to the sex of the parent and offspring's body weight: A finding …
C Wang, H Yatsuya, K Tamakoshi, H Toyoshima, K Wada, Y Li, ...
Preventive medicine 81, 49-53, 2015
Prediction model for pancreatic cancer risk in the general Japanese population
M Nakatochi, Y Lin, H Ito, K Hara, F Kinoshita, Y Kobayashi, H Ishii, ...
PloS one 13 (9), e0203386, 2018
Prospective study of seaweed consumption and thyroid cancer incidence in women: the Japan collaborative cohort study
C Wang, H Yatsuya, Y Li, A Ota, K Tamakoshi, Y Fujino, H Mikami, H Iso, ...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 25 (3), 239-245, 2016
Smoking and colorectal cancer: a pooled analysis of 10 population‐based cohort studies in Japan
S Akter, Z Islam, T Mizoue, N Sawada, H Ihira, S Tsugane, YN Koyanagi, ...
International journal of cancer 148 (3), 654-664, 2021
Independent association of liver fat accumulation with insulin resistance
H Yatsuya, T Nihashi, Y Li, Y Hotta, K Matsushita, T Muramatsu, R Otsuka, ...
Obesity research & clinical practice 8 (4), e350-e355, 2014
Similarities and differences between coronary heart disease and stroke in the associations with cardiovascular risk factors: The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
M Matsunaga, H Yatsuya, H Iso, K Yamashita, Y Li, K Yamagishi, ...
Atherosclerosis 261, 124-130, 2017
Prevalence and predictors of prediabetes and diabetes among adults in Palau: population-based national STEPS survey
EH Hilawe, C Chiang, H Yatsuya, C Wang, E Ikerdeu, K Honjo, T Mita, ...
Nagoya journal of medical science 78 (4), 475, 2016
Lifetime incidence risk for gastric cancer in the Helicobacter pylori‐infected and uninfected population in Japan: A Monte Carlo simulation study
S Kawai, C Wang, Y Lin, T Sasakabe, M Okuda, S Kikuchi
International Journal of Cancer 150 (1), 18-27, 2022
Comparison of the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection by commercially available serological testing kits and the 13C-urea breath test
S Kawai, K Arai, Y Lin, T Nishiyama, T Sasakabe, C Wang, H Miwa, ...
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 25 (10), 769-773, 2019
The influence of personality and perceived stress on the development of breast cancer: 20-year follow-up of 29,098 Japanese women
T Sawada, T Nishiyama, N Kikuchi, C Wang, Y Lin, M Mori, K Tanno, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 32559, 2016
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