Ikuko Kitaba
Ikuko Kitaba
確認したメール アドレス: fc.ritsumei.ac.jp
Age control of the first appearance datum for Javanese Homo erectus in the Sangiran area
S Matsu’ura, M Kondo, T Danhara, S Sakata, H Iwano, T Hirata, ...
Science 367 (6474), 210-214, 2020
High-resolution record of the Matuyama–Brunhes transition constrains the age of Javanese Homo erectus in the Sangiran dome, Indonesia
M Hyodo, S Matsu'ura, Y Kamishima, M Kondo, Y Takeshita, I Kitaba, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (49), 19563-19568, 2011
Integrating the Holocene tephrostratigraphy for East Asia using a high-resolution cryptotephra study from Lake Suigetsu (SG14 core), central Japan
D McLean, PG Albert, T Nakagawa, T Suzuki, RA Staff, K Yamada, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 183, 36-58, 2018
The Eurasian modern pollen database (EMPD), version 2
BAS Davis, M Chevalier, P Sommer, VA Carter, W Finsinger, A Mauri, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-41, 2020
Midlatitude cooling caused by geomagnetic field minimum during polarity reversal
I Kitaba, M Hyodo, S Katoh, DL Dettman, H Sato
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (4), 1215-1220, 2013
Geochemical characterisation of the Late Quaternary widespread Japanese tephrostratigraphic markers and correlations to the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary archive (SG06 core)
PG Albert, VC Smith, T Suzuki, D McLean, EL Tomlinson, Y Miyabuchi, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 52, 103-131, 2019
Geological support for the Umbrella Effect as a link between geomagnetic field and climate
I Kitaba, M Hyodo, T Nakagawa, S Katoh, DL Dettman, H Sato
Scientific reports 7 (1), 40682, 2017
Refining the eruptive history of Ulleungdo and Changbaishan volcanoes (East Asia) over the last 86 kyrs using distal sedimentary records
D McLean, PG Albert, T Suzuki, T Nakagawa, JI Kimura, Q Chang, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 389, 106669, 2020
Timing of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal: Decoupled thermal maximum and sea-level highstand during Marine Isotope Stage 19
M Hyodo, I Kitaba
Quaternary International 383, 136-144, 2015
MIS 21 and the Mid-Pleistocene climate transition: Climate and sea-level variation from a sediment core in Osaka Bay, Japan
I Kitaba, M Harada, M Hyodo, S Katoh, H Sato, M Matsushita
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 299 (1-2), 227-239, 2011
The spatio-temporal structure of the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition reconstructed from the pollen record of Lake Suigetsu and its precise correlation with other key …
T Nakagawa, P Tarasov, R Staff, CB Ramsey, M Marshall, G Schlolaut, ...
Global and Planetary Change 202, 103493, 2021
SG14 Project Members, Smith VC (2018) Integrating the Holocene tephrostratigraphy for East Asia using a high-resolution cryptotephra study from Lake Suigetsu (SG14 core …
D McLean, PG Albert, T Nakagawa, T Suzuki, RA Staff, K Yamada, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 183, 36-58, 0
SG06 Project Members and Nakagawa, T.(2019): Geochemical characterisation of the Late Quaternary widespread Japanese tephrostratigraphic markers and correlations to the Lake …
PG Albert, VC Smith, T Suzuki, D McLean, EL Tomlinson, Y Miyabuchi, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 52, 103-131, 0
High resolution stratigraphy across the early–middle Pleistocene boundary from a core of the Kokumoto Formation at Tabuchi, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
M Hyodo, S Katoh, A Kitamura, K Takasaki, H Matsushita, I Kitaba, ...
Quaternary International 397, 16-26, 2016
Black ceramic spheres as marker grains for microfossil analyses, with improved chemical, physical, and optical properties
I Kitaba, T Nakagawa
Quaternary International 455, 166-169, 2017
Constraints on the timing of explosive volcanism at Aso and Aira calderas (Japan) between 50 and 30 ka: New insights from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary record (SG14 core)
D McLean, PG Albert, T Suzuki, T Nakagawa, JI Kimura, Q Chang, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (8), e2019GC008874, 2020
Millennial-scale northern Hemisphere Atlantic-Pacific climate teleconnections in the earliest Middle Pleistocene
M Hyodo, B Bradák, M Okada, S Katoh, I Kitaba, DL Dettman, H Hayashi, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 10036, 2017
High-resolution climate stratigraphy across the Matuyama–Brunhes transition from palynological data of Osaka Bay sediments in southwestern Japan
I Kitaba, C Iwabe, M Hyodo, S Katoh, M Matsushita
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 272 (1-2), 115-123, 2009
Phase-lagged warming and the disruption of climatic rhythms during the Matuyama–Brunhes magnetic polarity transition
I Kitaba, M Hyodo, S Katoh, M Matsushita
Gondwana Research 21 (2-3), 595-600, 2012
Extraction method for fossil pollen grains using a cell sorter suitable for routine 14C dating
K Yamada, T Omori, I Kitaba, T Hori, T Nakagawa
Quaternary Science Reviews 272, 107236, 2021
論文 1–20