Chiara Bassetti
Chiara Bassetti
Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento
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F-formation detection: Individuating free-standing conversational groups in images
F Setti, C Russell, C Bassetti, M Cristani
PloS one 10 (5), e0123783, 2015
The s-hock dataset: Analyzing crowds at the stadium
D Conigliaro, P Rota, F Setti, C Bassetti, N Conci, N Sebe, M Cristani
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Co-designing for common values: creating hybrid spaces to nurture autonomous cooperation
C Bassetti, M Sciannamblo, P Lyle, M Teli, S De Paoli, A De Angeli
CoDesign 15 (3), 256-271, 2019
Male dancing body, stigma and normalising processes. Playing with (bodily) signifieds/ers of masculinity
C Bassetti
Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques 44 (44-2), 69-92, 2013
The knowing body-in-action in performing arts: Embodiment, experiential transformation, and intersubjectivity
C Bassetti
Artistic Practices, 91-111, 2014
Riflessività-in-azione. L'incorporamento dello sguardo spettatoriale come sapere pratico professionale nella danza
C Bassetti
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 2 (3), 325-352, 2009
Attento: Attention observed for automated spectator crowd analysis
D Conigliaro, F Setti, C Bassetti, R Ferrario, M Cristani
Human Behavior Understanding: 4th International Workshop, HBU 2013 …, 2013
Across balconies. Interaction in porous home territories in the Italian lockdown
C Bassetti
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 13 (2), 233-243, 2020
Genesi dell'opera d'arte
C Bassetti
Fare danza assieme, 0
Processes of proliferation: Impact beyond scaling in sharing and collaborative economies
A Lampinen, A Light, C Rossitto, A Fedosov, C Bassetti, A Bernat, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (GROUP), 1-22, 2022
The Commonfare Project. Designing to Support Grassroots Welfare Initiatives
C Bassetti, F Botto, M Teli
DigitCult-Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures 3 (1), 31-40, 2018
The S-Hock dataset: A new benchmark for spectator crowd analysis
F Setti, D Conigliaro, P Rota, C Bassetti, N Conci, N Sebe, M Cristani
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 159, 47-58, 2017
Viewing the viewers: A novel challenge for automated crowd analysis
D Conigliaro, F Setti, C Bassetti, R Ferrario, M Cristani
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2013: ICIAP 2013 …, 2013
La danza come agire professionale, corporeo e artistico: percorsi e traiettorie, saperi e pratiche quotidiane nel campo italiano della danza
C Bassetti
University of Trento, 2010
The tacit dimension of expertise: Professional vision at work in airport security
C Bassetti
Discourse Studies 23 (5), 597-615, 2021
Making talk together: Simultaneity and rhythm in mundane Italian conversation
C Bassetti, K Liberman
Language & Communication 80, 95-113, 2021
Airport security contradictions: Interorganizational entanglements and changing work practices
C Bassetti
Ethnography 19 (3), 288-311, 2018
social interaction in temporary gatherings: A sociological taxonomy of groups and crowds for computer vision practitioners
C Bassetti
Group and Crowd Behavior for Computer Vision, 15-28, 2017
A Novel Interdisciplinary Approach to Socio-Technical Complexity: Sociologically Driven, Computable Methods for Sport-Spectator Crowds’ Semi-Supervised Analysis
C Bassetti
New Frontiers in the Study of Social Phenomena: Cognition, Complexity …, 2016
IS-Related Organizational Change and the Necessity of Techno-Organizational Co-Design (-In-Use): An Experience with Ethnomethodologically Oriented Ethnography
C Bassetti
Phenomenology, Organizational Politics, and IT Design: The Social Study of …, 2012
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Articles 1–20