Akira Maeda
Cited by
Cited by
Unsupervised outlier detection in time series data
Z Ferdousi, A Maeda
22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), x121 …, 2006
Query term disambiguation for Web cross-language information retrieval using a search engine
A Maeda, F Sadat, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura
Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on on Information retrieval …, 2000
Viewing multilingual documents on your local web browser
A Maeda, M Dartois, T Fujita, T Sakaguchi, S Sugimoto, K Tabata
Communications of the ACM 41 (4), 64-65, 1998
A browsing tool of multi-lingual documents for users without multi-lingual fonts
T Sakaguchi, A Maeda, T Fujita, S Sugimoto, K Tabata
Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Digital libraries …, 1996
Anomaly Detection Using Unsupervised Profiling Method in Time Series Data.
Z Ferdousi, A Maeda
ADBIS Research Communications, 2006
Automatic keyword extraction for wikification of East Asian language documents
K Horita, F Kimura, A Maeda
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 8 (1), 32-35, 2016
Visualization of relationships among historical persons from Japanese historical documents
F Kimura, T Osaki, T Tezuka, A Maeda
Literary and linguistic computing 28 (2), 271-278, 2013
Query expansion techniques for the CLEF bilingual track
F Sadat, A Maeda, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura
Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems: Second Workshop …, 2002
Slide retrieval technique using features of figures
S Tanaka, T Tezuka, A Aoyama, F Kimura, A Maeda
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 1, 424-429, 2013
Ancient-to-modern information retrieval for digital collections of Traditional Mongolian Script
B Batjargal, G Khaltarkhuu, F Kimura, A Maeda
The Role of Digital Libraries in a Time of Global Change: 12th International …, 2010
Linked data driven multilingual access to diverse Japanese Ukiyo-e databases by generating links dynamically
B Batjargal, T Kuyama, F Kimura, A Maeda
Literary and Linguistic Computing 28 (4), 522-530, 2013
A combined statistical query term disambiguation in cross-language information retrieval
F Sadat, A Maeda, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura
Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2002
Building a multilingual electronic text collection of folk tales as a set of encapsulated document object: An approach for casual users to browse multilingual documents on the fly
M Dartois, A Maeda, T Fujita, T Sakaguchi, S Sugimoto, K Tabata
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: First European …, 1997
Cross-language record linkage based on semantic matching of metadata
Y Song, B Batjargal, A Maeda
The Database Society of Japan English Journal 17 (1), 2019
Identifying the same records across multiple Ukiyo-e image databases using textual data in different languages
B Batjargal, T Kuyama, F Kimura, A Maeda
IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 193-196, 2014
Metadata-related Challenges for Realizing a Federated Searching System for Japanese Humanities Databases
B Batjargal, F Kimura, A Maeda
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata …, 2011
Providing universal access to Japanese humanities digital libraries: an approach to federated searching system using automatic metadata mapping
B Batjargal, F Kimura, A Maeda
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 11 (11), 837-843, 2010
Retrieval technique with the modern Mongolian query on traditional Mongolian text
G Khaltarkhuu, A Maeda
Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities: 9th …, 2006
Cross-language information retrieval using web directories
F Kimura, A Maeda, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura
2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications Computers and Signal …, 2003
Cross-language information retrieval based on category matching between language versions of a web directory
F Kimura, A Maeda, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura
Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Information retrieval …, 2003
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Articles 1–20