Tailoring the oxygen content of graphite and reduced graphene oxide for specific applications N Morimoto, T Kubo, Y Nishina Scientific reports 6 (1), 21715, 2016 | 408 | 2016 |
Optimal size of storage for recovery after unpredictable disturbances YOH Iwasa, T Kubo Evolutionary ecology 11, 41-65, 1997 | 288 | 1997 |
Tree species differentiation in growth, recruitment and allometry in relation to maximum height in a Bornean mixed dipterocarp forest T Kohyama, EI Suzuki, T Partomihardjo, T Yamada, T Kubo Journal of Ecology 91 (5), 797-806, 2003 | 248 | 2003 |
Optimal distribution of defences: are plants smart investors? NM Van Dam, TJ De Jong, Y Iwasa, T Kubo Functional Ecology, 128-136, 1996 | 140 | 1996 |
Wood density explains architectural differentiation across 145 co‐occurring tropical tree species Y Iida, L Poorter, FJ Sterck, AR Kassim, T Kubo, MD Potts, TS Kohyama Functional Ecology 26 (1), 274-282, 2012 | 132 | 2012 |
Inferring the rates of branching and extinction from molecular phylogenies T Kubo, Y Iwasa Evolution 49 (4), 694-704, 1995 | 131 | 1995 |
Forest spatial dynamics with gap expansion: total gap area and gap size distribution T Kubo, Y Iwasa, N Furumoto Journal of theoretical Biology 180 (3), 229-246, 1996 | 130 | 1996 |
Linking size‐dependent growth and mortality with architectural traits across 145 co‐occurring tropical tree species Y Iida, L Poorter, F Sterck, AR Kassim, MD Potts, T Kubo, TS Kohyama Ecology 95 (2), 353-363, 2014 | 127 | 2014 |
Tree architecture and life‐history strategies across 200 co‐occurring tropical tree species Y Iida, TS Kohyama, T Kubo, AR Kassim, L Poorter, F Sterck, MD Potts Functional Ecology 25 (6), 1260-1268, 2011 | 121 | 2011 |
Low‐dose recombinant canine interferon‐γ for treatment of canine atopic dermatitis: An open randomized comparative trial of two doses K Yasukawa, S Saito, T Kubo, Y Shibasaki, K Yamaoka, H Hachimura, ... Veterinary Dermatology 21 (1), 42-49, 2010 | 79 | 2010 |
Unicentric and multicentric Castleman's disease K Enomoto, I Nakamichi, K Hamada, A Inoue, I Higuchi, M Sekimoto, ... The British Journal of Radiology 80 (949), e24-e26, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
Herbivores and the evolution of the semelparous perennial life-history of plants PGL Klinkhamer, T Kubo, Y Iwasa Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10 (4), 529-550, 1997 | 66 | 1997 |
Optimal level of chemical defense decreasing with leaf age Y Iwasa, T Kubo, N Van Dam, TJ De Jong Theoretical population biology 50 (2), 124-148, 1996 | 66 | 1996 |
Statistical modeling of nitrogen‐dependent modulation of root system architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana T Araya, T Kubo, N von Wirén, H Takahashi Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58 (3), 254-265, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Compositional dependence of properties of SnO-P2O5 glasses J Cha, T Kubo, H Takebe, M Kuwabara Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 116 (1356), 915-919, 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
Variation in tree diameter growth in response to the weather conditions and tree size in deciduous broad-leaved trees E Nabeshima, T Kubo, T Hiura Forest Ecology and Management 259 (6), 1055-1066, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite analysis of Abies sachalinensis regeneration on fallen logs in a subboreal forest in Hokkaido, Japan C Lian, S Goto, T Kubo, Y Takahashi, M Nakagawa, T Hogetsu Molecular Ecology 17 (12), 2948-2962, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
Preparation and properties of transparent SnO–P2O5 glasses H Takebe, W Nonaka, T Kubo, J Cha, M Kuwabara Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 68 (5-6), 983-986, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
Expression level of valosin-containing protein (VCP) as a prognostic marker for gingival squamous cell carcinoma S Yamamoto, Y Tomita, Y Hoshida, S Toyosawa, H Inohara, M Kishino, ... Annals of oncology 15 (9), 1432-1438, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Otitis External Induced with Malassezia pachydermatis in Dogs and the Efficacy of Pimaricin Y Uchida, M Mizutani, T Kubo, T Nakade, K Otomo Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 54 (4), 611-614, 1992 | 43 | 1992 |